Vietnam 2nd battalion
Jesse W. Myers
C Company 1967 – 1968

After I left 2nd bat, I went to Fort Benning to the Infantry Officers Career Course and from there went back to Vietnam as senior advisor to an ARVN Airborne Battalion. With my ARVN battalion, I got to go back to Song Be for an extended visit (it hadn’t improved any) and also made the Cambodian incursion. After my second tour, I was sent to the 82nd where I was S-3 of the 1-505 and then G3 Ops Officer and then deputy G3. After 21 months in the 82nd, I went to Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth. From Leavenworth, the Army sent me to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to get my MBA and from there I went to Davidson College as assistant professor of military science in the ROTC department. Davidson college was my last assignment.
Back, L-R: Mike Mondea (deceased) Cpt Jesse W. Myers Jr. (SATAN), Dave Gray (RTO), Pee Wee Dobbs (RTO). Front, L-R: Mel Valentine (Commo Chief – deceased), Sal Melendez (Head Medic), Brian Reddington (Red Leg RTO). CP Group late 67 early 68, C/2/327th.