Vietnam 2nd battalion
Thomas M. Murray
A, C Companies 1968 – 1969

Drafted July 1966, Oakland, Ca. Basic Fort Lewis, AIT Tigerland, Fort Polk, stayed as cadre till OCS date, Infantry Fort Benning, after OCS assigned Infantry school instructor, rifle squad, platoon, company in the attack, day & night. A friend got me to jump school, Ranger school and 101st. I did well in all of the training and schools. In country Dec. 1, 1968. Platoon leader 3rd Plt. A Co. 2nd 327. Worked FB Tomahawk, others, bridges, villages and hills (mountains? boy were they high, steep and covered with wait a minutes). Had a weird accident playing in river in April went to doc for a few weeks came back they had given my platoon to some other Lt. I was very upset. Worked Division CP @ Eagle a few days and then was assigned as XO Charlie Co. No Slack. Came home Thanksgiving Day 69. I’m sure we passed each other in the battalion area at least once. My brother came to 101st in June 69. I believe 159th Aviation. Chinooks. Less than 1/4 mile away from No Slack. Got to ride with him a few times.