Vietnam 1st Battalion
Roger J. Morris
C Company 1967 – 1968

I served with C 1/327 (Abn) Inf. from Sep ’67 to Sep ’68. I joined the Company during Operation Wheeler at Chu Lai as a Sergeant E5. I was made a Fire Team Leader and was told to watch the other guys, pay attention, and don’t do anything stupid. I went on to do a lot of stupid things, but overall, it was advice that helped keep me alive.
After the longest, wettest, coldest, most frightening night of my young existence up to this point, we came under fire while making a river crossing the morning after I joined the company. The squad leader and three other men drowned in the monsoon-swollen water. I then became Squad Leader. Within a short time I was assigned as Acting Platoon Sergeant and was promoted to E6 in Dec ’67. For the remainder of my tour I served as Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, and Acting Platoon leader.
I kept all my pictures, names and addresses, and notes of events as they happened until the 70’s when everything was lost in a move. I have had only my memories and no means of contacting anyone I served with until recently. One of my platoon members is sending my some pictures and I will send them in as soon as they arrive.
Upon leaving VN I was assigned as an instructor with the Airborne Department at Ft. Benning GA. I returned to VN in Nov 1971 and was assigned to the 173d Abn Bde. I helped stand down the 173d and returned to Ft. Campbell with them in the last lift.
My MOS was changed to logistics and I went on to E8 and became a Warrant Officer. I retired from active duty in Germany in 1985 as a Chief Warrant Officer. I was then hired as a GS 11 DAC in USAREUR and retired completely in 1998 as a GS 14.
I have lived in Europe since 1973, with the exception of a CONUS break from 1978 to 1981 with the JFKCEN and 82nd Abn Div. I live in Germany and Normandie France with my wife Monika (Chris) of 17 years.
Long distance sailing was something that I dreamed of while in VN. I am an avid blue water sailor and have studied the art of sailing and navigation for the past 17 years. I am primarily a single-handed sailor and have logged several thousand ocean miles. I own a sailboat that I cruise Europe in (the Mediterranean next summer!), and a motor cruiser that I keep in Largo, FL for fishing during the winter months.
I rejoined the 101st Abn Div Association in Aug after many years absence and enjoy the Association publications. I have also thoroughly enjoyed the web sites that I recently discovered after receiving the quarterly “First Screaming Eagles in Viet Nam”. Since then I have been in contact with several of my old friends by email. I will attend a future reunion and renew old friendships.
Silver Star
Bronze Star w/V (3 OLC)
Meritorious Service Medal (1 OLC)
Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC)
Army Service Medal
Air Medal (3 OLC)
Master Parachute Wings