Mc Clellan, Hugh

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Mc Clellan, Hugh
2nd Battalion,A Company,H&HC

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Hugh Mc Clellan

A , H & H Companies 1965 – 1967

Broke my hand in a helliborne assualt but no medal. Sgt. Cheny said there has to be blood to get the medal. I was in “A” Company, in the beginning, then I was Col. Joseph Wasco’s bodyguard. After he left, I was still in HHC but was always pulling some kind of security duty and finally ended up in S-2 charting maps and actually I think it was Westmoreland I gave a briefing to once. I can remember a lot of it like it was yesterday, then other thing seem a little foggy. I was at Troung Loung, Kontum, Duc Pho and numerous other places. Our forward base was Tuy Hoa and rear was Phan Rang. Too much to remember.