Vietnam 1st Battalion
Larry J. Lust
A Company 1971 – 1972

Major General Larry J. Lust was born in Moran, Kansas. Upon completion of Infantry Officer Candidate School in 1970, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Armor Corps. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Missouri, and a Master of Science in Logistics Management from Florida Institute of Technology. His professional military education includes Distinguished or Honor Graduate of Infantry OCS, Armor Officer Basic and Advance Courses, Supply Management Officer Course, Logistics Executive Development Course, Force Integration Staff Officer Course, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
Major General Lust has commanded at the company, squadron, DISCOM and COSCOM levels. He served as Commander, Combat Support Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment; Commander, Division Support Command, 3d Infantry Division, U.S. Army, Europe; Deputy Commanding General (Support), Joint Task Force-Somalia; Commanding General UN Logistics Support Command; Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Forces-Somalia.; and Commanding General, 3d Corps Support Command. Major General Lust served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, U.S. Army, Europe, 7th Army; Director of Logistics and Security Assistance, Headquarters, U.S. European Command, Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany; Deputy G-4, Department of the Army, Washington, DC.; and Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management.
Other key staff assignments include Chief, Supply and Maintenance Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, U.S. Army, Europe; Chief, Tank Automotive, and Armament Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.; Force Integration Staff Officer, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.
Major General Lust’s initial tour of duty was as Training Officer, 19th Battalion, 5th Training Brigade, Fort Knox, Kentucky. He was then assigned to Vietnam where he served as Rifle Platoon Leader, 1-327th Infantry Battalion, 101st Airborne Division; Assistant S2, 196th Light Infantry Brigade; Assistant S3, 3-21st Infantry Battalion (Task Force Gimlet); and Tank Company Advisor, 22d Tank Regiment, Army of Vietnam. At Fort Knox, Kentucky, he served as an Armored Cavalry Platoon Leader, Troop Executive Officer, and Squadron S4 with 7-1st Air Cavalry Squadron. Following the Armor Officer Advance Course, he served as the S3 Air, S4, and Commander, Company A, 3-63d Armor Battalion, 3d Infantry Division, Augsburg, Germany. Returning to the United States, he attended Army Command and General Staff College and was assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas, where he served as a Forward Area Support Coordination Officer, DISCOM S3, and Executive Officer, 1-34th Armor Battalion, 1st Infantry Division.
Major General Lust’s awards and decorations include the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Army Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (with two OLC), Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Defense Meritorious Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal (with three OLC), Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal (with two OLC), Parachutist Badge, Pathfinder Badge, and various service and foreign awards.
Married to the former Catherine A. Schmidt of Iola, Kansas. They have two sons Jon and Phillip, members of the U.S. Army.