Project Name
Lindsey, Johnnie C.
1st Battalion,ABU Troops,Cobra Troops,H&HC Troops,Tiger Troops
Vietnam 1st Battalion
Johnnie C. Lindsey
H & H (TF), A, C Companies 1966 – 1967

Freefall parachutist with 2134 Jumps
I served as a combat medic with the 1/327 from 66-67. I was in A Company for a few months and transferred to C Company, on two separate occasions I was sent to the Tiger Force for a week once and about two weeks the second time. I took over as Medical Plt Sgt a week or so before coming home in Aug 67.
I retired as 1st Sgt. in 1978.
In 2002 was installed as DMOR with the 327th and I’m listed in Who’s Who in the American Airborne.
I have served as President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Eagle Chapter Delegate, and Membership Chairman of the 101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans.