Vietnam 2nd battalion
Isiah Kidwell
A Company 1969 – 1970

Isaiah Kidwell
( Kity )
Vietnam 1969-70 2/327th A Company, 1st Platoon. The nickname Kity was given to me probably because of my age 18 – or my last name. Whatever the reason it stuck. I was a assistant machine gunner on the M-60. My tour was cut short due to a death in the family. I left without knowing I wasn’t coming back. Thanks for the flowers 1st platoon. I was discharged at Fort Totten Ceremonial Platoon. We did funerals for our fallen heroes who died giving their all. We did the 21 Gun Salute, pallbearers at the family’s request, bugler for taps and also presented the United States Flag to the next of kin, usually the wife or mother. I retired from the Post Office after 33 years. I did not get along with management the whole 33 years. I married my sole mate. We have 3 beautiful kids. 2 boys, 1 girl and 3 beautiful grandkids. 2 boys and 1 girl.
Thanks For The Memories
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