Kalatzis, Elias

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Kalatzis, Elias
1st Battalion,Brave Rifle Troops,E Company

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Elias A. Kalatzis (aka Louie the Greek)

B Company 1970 – 1971


Was drafted and did Basic and 11B AIT at Fort Ord in California.  Never went to jump school and the only other training I had was CLC (combat leaders course) at Camp Evans in Vietnam.

Had a two week leave after AIT then I was off to Vietnam.

Was assigned to the 101st and eventually ended up with B Company, 3rd Platoon, 1/327th.  Was there from July 1970 to July 1971.

I humped the 60 for my first 5 months in country, thus one of the photos I sent, and I do have a CIB.

Am now a photographer and  also manage a piece of family owned property and have done some acting in the past.

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