Vietnam 2nd battalion
Fred Izard
B, E Companies 1967 – 1968

I joined 2nd plt. B Co. 2/327 in Oct 67. Since I was the new guy with no rank I got stuck with a radio. I carried the radio for platoon Sgt. Corea (Jaguar) for about 6 months. Then I was transfered to E Co. to the mortar plt (11C was my MOS). I started out as a 4.2 in. mortar gunner and finally ended up a squad leader. I left after a year having served with a lot of good men. They were just a lot common every day Joe’s that when called on rose to very uncommon levels, and helped a lot of us get home. I guess that is the foundation of the airborne, common people stepping forward and accomplishing uncommon tasks.
On the web site you have a picture of the 2nd plt. B Co 2/327 taken in Phan Rang Nov. 67. The last three people in the second row you show named ?,?,?. Let me help you with the correct spellings. The last three are Izard, Morales. SSGT Fredrico Corea (Call sign Jaguar).