Vietnam 2nd battalion
Stephen Horn
C, E Companies 1969 – 1970

Don’t remember the jump school class but graduated around February 1969. Ranger class 10-69. Had 3rd platoon from October 1969 to May 1970, then had E company until just about September. It was mostly night ambush around Phu Loc District from October through end of rainy season, then patrolling in the mountains. At E company, I had recon, the mortars across the AO from outside Phu Bai to Los Banos, and the snipers. I was also responsible for the defense of the TOC, which was in Cau Hai, where the Bach Ma road meets Hwy 1.
When I came home, I went to law school. I’ve been a prosecutor, defense lawyer, civil trial lawyer, and general counsel. I’ve written a couple of novels which have been published in 12 languages. The protagonist in my first book was a Vietnam vet. My author stuff can be found on my website, I’ve been married 31 years to a fabulous girl and have two wonderful kids. Life has been good.
I was at the Wall for the dedication and occasionally pass the 101 monument, just outside the gates of Arlington Cemetery. The memories have faded, but I remain proud of my service and the men I was privileged to lead and with whom I served. NFS.