Vietnam 2nd battalion
Joe Hoban
A Company 1967 – 1968

Been soaring around for 38 years, finally found the nest again. My buddy Tom Donkhe contacted me out of the blue. We were together in 68. I was a Sergeant with A Company 2/327. I was transfered up north the end of Feb. 68. I arrived when the whole division left Campbell in 67 at Phuc Vinh. Was wounded May 19 the day Pope was killed on Operation Nevada Eagle. Returned to the field and was hit again around the end of August 68. Remember Norman Tarpley was the last guy to speak to him, before he was killed. Was in the A-Shau, Highway 547, Bastogne, Veghel etc.
I live in New York and plan on attending my first reunion in Sept, in Phoenix. I remember Capt. Cope was our CO for awhile.
No Slack-Above The Rest
Joe Hoban