Henson, Joseph William

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Henson, Joseph William
2nd Battalion,H&HC

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Joseph William Henson

H & H Company 1968 – 1970


I have a CIB, but no jumpwings…I went through Screaming Eagle Replacement Training School in Nam, and that’s how I wound up in the 101. (But I do have 15 civilian jumps under my belt). I have a Bronze Star too along with other medals. I was in-country from November of 68 til January 27th of 70. I was on FSB Bertchesgaden when we were overrun by elements of an NVA Regt. Never have been more scared in my life!!!! I ETS’d from Nam, cause I extended to get the five month Early Out. That got me back into College at Southern Illinois University 6 months earlier than if I hadn’t extended.

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Joseph William Hensen