Vietnam 1st Battalion
John Hargett
D Company 1969 – 1970

I guess I could start out when I went into the Army. I enlisted at the Judge’s request instead of going to jail, I think a lot of guys had that problem. He told me three years in the Army or three years in jail.
I started at Fort Bragg for Basic, went to Fort Gordon (Camp Crocket) for A.I.T. I had my reservations about the whole thing. I was suppose to have an Aero Mechanics MOS and the orders were messed up. I ended up at Fort Benning for Jump School and while in Jump School, they thought I should go to the NCO school held at Fort Benning.
I lacked two weeks of finishing the course and dropped out because I could not see myself as a NCO in Nam. I got orders in Nov of ’68 to go to Nam. I was suppose to leave the middle of Dec, but I took an extended leave (AWOL) till Jan 1 of 1969.
I went to Fort Dix, New Jersey for a departure to the lovely country of Vietnam. A 2nd LT asked me why I was late reporting in and I told him it was too close to Xmas and New Years for me to leave and what were they going to do send me to Nam? You know they didn’t even count me AWOL.
I got to Nam on or about the 6th of Jan at Ben Hoa air base and the first thing I remember is how hot it was and the smell. I went through the one week class in 4 or 5 days because they needed troops up north they said. They sent me to D Co 1/327 101st Abn at Camp Eagle.
When I got to the company I stayed one night and went to the field with 2nd platoon at Phu Bai. The first night I was there we pulled ambush in the grave yard and we made contact that night. I saw my first gook killed that night and it left an impression on me till this day.
I served with the 3rd platoon through the ASHAU 2 or 3 times (I think) and a few fire bases. I was in the hospital in Japan for 1 month for Hepatitis. Came back and the platoon was still in Phu Loc pulling ambushes in the grave yard and Bac Ma mountain. I walked point most of the time I was there because I was small and good on directions. I liked point because you were the first one on the scene and you always knew what was going on. I used explosives and had a good time.
I left in Jan of ’70 and came back to Fort Bragg to the 82nd for a fun filled adventure of being bored for awhile until I got out in ’72. I am now 100% total and permanent disabled with VA and Social Security benefits.
I’ve been married five times and drove a truck for a living most of the time since I’ve been out. I’ve lived in five different states and now live in S.C. I am a diabetic and enjoy old cars (’57 Chevy’s mostly ). I guess that is about it.
John Hargett