Guest, Michael

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Guest, Michael
2nd Battalion,A Company

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Michael Guest

A Company 1969 – 1970

I came to 2nd platoon in mid January of 1969 while we were at a bridge a few klicks south of Camp Eagle on Highway 1. We left for the A Shau a few weeks later and air assaulted in the area of A Shau and worked the lower valley, heading north for about 70 days, came out for a day, then back in attached to the 3rd Bde. I was evaced April 19th and did not return until July. We rode 5th MI tracks and then I was hooked out at the end of a jungle penetrator after only a few days, and profiled to Bien Hoa to HHC (det) Rear 101 ABD. I spent the remainder of my time as a remf (somebody had to do it). I was transferred to the 1st Air Cav. Div. in November, as they could not transfer me back to Camp Eagle.

Michael Guest

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