Vietnam 1st Battalion
Lynn Gossard
A Company 1969

A couple of important notes before I go into the past 35 years. First, I want to say, “thank you” to the men of 3d platoon, A Co. 1/327th ABN for their unwavering support during those trying times. Second, I encourage all of the RVN veterans to take a simple blood test (PSA) for Prostate Cancer. It can sneak up on you real easy and then it maybe too late. I was diagnosed two years ago and underwent surgery. In Aug 04, it will be two years and I’m cancer free. It is not a death sentence, if you catch it early. VA now recognizes it and associates it with Agent Orange. In my case, I believe that RVN is the cause because there is no history of cancer in my family. I will leave my soapbox and move on. I salute you all
Above the Rest.
After RVN: Ft. Bragg N.C. 1970-1973; Ft. Gordon – 1973-74; Ft. Riley – 1974-77; Baumhoder Germany – 1977-79; Mainz Germany – 1979-81; Ft. Knox 1981-83; San Francisco/Oakland Army Base 1984-86; Taegu Korea 1986-1992; Retired from the Army March 1989. From Korea (92), moved to Idaho Falls, ID and in 1994, moved to NY. Sometime in the fall of 2004, we will move one last time (I hope) to Missouri to be near our grandchildren. My wife and I have been dating for 42 years (married 38 in June 04) and have 2 sons. Both are married; one is in Kentucky and one in Missouri. We have been blessed with 2 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild with another on the way.