Project Name
Gaskins, Wayne
2nd Battalion,D Company
Vietnam 2nd battalion
Wayne Gaskins
D Company 1969 – 1970

Wayne passed away 4-9-16. We’ll miss you brother.
Wayne Gaskins born in Florida but now lives in Tennessee. My wife’s name is Sierra and she was born in California. I have two daughters by my first wife, and 6 grandchildren. Worked as a telephone cable splicer after Vietnam until 1996 when I retired. Hobbies include knife making, leather carving, scuba diving, hunting and fishing. My MOS was 11 bravo (or for the non military, Infantry). I served with the 101st Airborne 2/327 Inf. Delta Co. from January 13, 1969 to January 12, 1970. Basic training: Fort Benning, Ga. AIT Training : Fort Jackson, SC. Honorable discharged at Fort Hood, TX. I enlisted in the Army in July of 1968.