Project Name
Dennis, Donald
1st Battalion,ABU Troops,H&HC Troops,Tiger Troops
Vietnam 1st Battalion
Donald Dennis
H & H (TF), A Companies 1965 – 1968

Married 6 years to Cristina.
Arrived in Nam at Tent City Saigon on Dec.15 ’65 assigned to 1/327th H&HC 15 Jan. ’66, then to Abu Co. on May of ’66, then back to H&HC 7 Dec ’66.
Became a Tiger Force member on April 30 1967.
I left Nam on 02 July ’67 , back in Nam with Co. D 1/502 on Dec. ’67.
Wounded on 9 June 1966, 3 Jan. 1968 & 3 March 1968.
All these dates are taken from my Military Records. I certainly could not remember them. I suffer from CRS.
Now live in Mexico. Enjoy Traveling. I don’t remember many names but do recalled faces and events. So! If you know me say hello!