Vietnam 1st Battalion
Earl Reginald De Long
C Company 1966 – 1967

I served in the Army as a volunteer from 28 Dec. 65 to 28 Dec. 68. I was trained as a 11C (mortarman) at Ft. Gordon GA., but I never worked in that capacity. I became a rifleman as soon as I joined the 2nd platoon of C/1/327 sometime in August of 1966. My platoon sergeant then was sergeant Acevedo, and my platoon leader was Lt. Whitesides. Halfway through my tour with the Cobras I was transferred to the 1st platoon where again I made some lasting friendships. I was very lucky not to have been injured during this tour.
I served with the Red Devils of B/1/508 when the 3rd brigade of the 82nd was sent to Viet Nam. In my life, serving with these units rates among the proudest of my accomplishments.