Vietnam 1st Battalion
Santos G. ``Spooky`` Castillo
B Company 1969 – 1970

Went into service ( Army ) Sept. ’68
Basic Training – Ft. Bliss, TX.
AIT 11Bravo – Ft. Ord, CA.
Arrived in VN – May ’69 – assigned to 101st. Airborne 1/327th. B. Co. 1st. Platoon
Evaced to Japan – June ’69
Returned to VN – Aug. ’69
Left VN – Mar. ’70
Assign to 1st. Infantry Div. Ft. Riley, Kansas – Training ROTC Cadets- Combat Formations
Discharge – Sept. ’70
Living in Ryan, Ok.
Married – wife – Yolanda – 30 years – 3 – children 3 – grandchildren
I was wounded in Vietnam on June 10th ’69 and was sent to Japan. After I got back to Nam, I found out I lost two buddies (Jeffery Alan Schonfield and Larry Dale McGhee) on Aug. 10th ’69.
After I got out of the army and came home, I went from job to job and was angry all the time and still am. I went into Law Enforcement in 1982 and got out in ’96, thank God I did, ’cause I was on a road of destruction, but didn’t know at the time.
I’m 100% SC now and with help of my family I’m living day by day.
I got married in ’72 and still married to the same woman. I don’t deserve her but she has stuck by me through the years. We got 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy ages 28, 25, and 19 and 3 grandchildren 2 girls and 1 boy.
I live in Okla. now, my hometown was Marlin, TX.
I lost my Dad in ’94 and my mom ’95, there were 12 of us in the Family (9 boys and 3 girls).