Burton, Charles “Doc”

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Burton, Charles “Doc”
2nd Battalion,B Company,C Company,D Company

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Charles ``Doc`` Burton

B, C, D Companies 1969 – 1970


Born 12/05/49, Nashville, Tn. Drafted 6/12/69 at Centerville, Tn. Basic
Training Ft. Campbell, Ky. AIT Medical Training Ft. Sam Houston, Tx. HHC 2nd BN 327th Inf. (Medic) 1st BDE 101st ABN Div, Viet Nam. 2nd Armored Division “Hell On Wheels” Ft. Hood, Tx. Expiration of service 6/11/71.

Honorable Discharge. Viet Nam Service Medal with 2 bronze stars, National Defense Service Medal, Republic of Viet Nam Campaign Medal, Combat Medical Badge, Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Purple Heart, Expert Rifle, Good Conduct Medal. Service Number US53913339. Made Specialist 5 just before I left Viet Nam Oct. 29 1970. ETS date was 6/11/71. MOS 91B20 Medical Specialist.

Earned Combat Medical Badge first month in country. Purple Heart 6/10/70 Firebase Tomahawk. Made several Hot LZ’s with C company and D Company. Set up ambush with D company and claymore took out two Black Bears with white stripes across their chest. It made the Stars and Stripes Paper. Helped deliver a baby with C Company while on ambush late one night in village outside Phu Loc. In fire fights along with C and D companies and were we had body counts each time. Stayed at TOC or as we called it “District” for 1 month. Did my last month on Tomahawk before ETS.

No Slack
Doc Burton 2/327th 101st ABN

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Charles "Doc" Burton