Vietnam 2nd battalion
Larry J. Andersen
H & H, A Companies 1965-1966

Yes, I went over on the barge Eltinge, all 28 days worth.
I didn’t do a full tour; I DEROS’d out 11 months 8 days. DD214 lists a CMB. Later I was notified that I was awarded a ACM. Strange, I cherish it now but then it wasn’t so important as it didn’t go well on civilian clothes. Part of the time I worked at the Battalion Aid Station with Capt. Buchanan, often his driver/RTO. In the field I usually was assigned to A Company Weapons Platoon – a real swell bunch of guys. I took good care of them and I never had to watch my back.
Attached two pictures for you. One, of course, is me. When I went out with A Co, I humped a HE round for their 81mm tubes. You can see the black canister. They always fired mine first. Medics were issued a .45 and I did carry mine. Early on I acquired an M-16 from a Dust Off evacuee and carried it as extra “protection for my patients.”
The group picture was taken at base camp – after humping Viet Nam for seven or eight months, as soon as we finally got a base camp they decided we needed training exercises. Here is the Battalion Aid Station on the hoof in the rain. Back row, left to right: SSgt Lyons, Medical Platoon Sergeant, a good soldier. Capt. C.S. Buchanan, doctor and Platoon Leader, all us medics loved this guy, and that’s me, Larry Andersen, with the PRC-25. Kneeling in front is another Andersen. I’m sorry that I forgot his first name as we all called him Andy; also, he had this easy rolling gait and it earned him the affectionate nickname of Andy Panda.