Project Name
Geiselhofer, Stephen “Doc”
2nd Battalion,D Company,H&HC
Vietnam 2nd battalion
Stephen ``Doc`` Geiselhofer
H&HC & D Company 1968 – 1969

I was the 3rd platoon medic of D company when we first walked out of Camp Eagle on our way to fbs Birmingham, then fbs Bastogne. My platoon Sargent was SSG Steven Guess, Robert Bolger was our RTO. Capt.Dietz was the company CO. There are no dates to recall when you’re humping the bush, so maybe around Aug.1, I left the field because of Malaria. The morning of Aug.10, I returned to the field as part of the rebuilding. Doc Trimbur and Doc Harbaugh where still there, I can never forget Doc Stewart. The 3rd platoon medic that replaced me was medivac out, as was my platoon. Toured all the fire bases, fbs 88, Lang Co bridge. Deros on May 14, 1969 with Doc Trimbur.
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