SGT Woods – ABU?

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

327th Infantry Regiment - Vietnam

Do your know or remember Sgt. Woods? ABU?

These items were found by Dave Bronson, collector. If you know of Sgt Woods, then or now please contact Dave at Below is how and why Dave aquired these articles.

I’m not a veteran of the 327th, though I was in the Navy in the early 80’s. I’m merely a reenactor and amateur historian with an interest in the 101st, especially during the Vietnam era. I attend living history events and set up displays at other types of events, such as the recent reunion of the Michigan Chapter 101st Airborne Association. I started collecting and reenacting years ago with a group that recreated the 327th Glider Infantry during W.W.II, and about a year or so ago expanded that to include the Vietnam and Desert Storm eras. I have an ever growing collection of Vietnam gear, and always on the look out for anything pertaining to the 101st, and the 327th in particular. As you can imagine I was very pleased to end up with this knife!

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