You owe it to yourselves to go
Claude A. Frisbie
I had reservations about attending the reunion. Part was because I didn’t think I would actually see anyone with whom I served. Another was a nagging concern about what I had been told by someone who attended a larger reunion. That soldier’s observations were that everything centered around the officers and that the grunts were pretty much ignored. As time got closer, and in talking with a few of you that have attended 327’s reunion before, I heard a description of this being like a 3-day stand down.
Well, first off, no-I really didn’t see anyone I served with, except for Pete Mitchell. Turns out he was my CO last few weeks of my first tour, but I actually didn’t know him (now I know he’s a hell of a cook!!).
This gathering wasn’t about “officers or grunts”, it was about brothers!
This was very much indeed, like a 3-day stand down (although I don’t remember that much beer-let alone cold beer).
The pleasure and PRIVILEGE, was getting to meet so many of you that I have exchanged e-mail with, read about on the 327’s web site (thanks again to our hard working dedicated web masters), chatted with during Sat or Sunday nights chats, or exchanged messages with on the Open Mike Forum.
My daughter read it correctly- I truly felt among family. (You allowed me to invite my buddy from my second tour, who was with the 0’Duece. He attended on Saturday. He was moved and sincerely touched by the acceptance he recv’d from the 327th).
To my brothers that have not attended a reunion, or haven’t made this reunion- you owe it to yourselves to go. Its an experience you will keep with you always.