Ken & Angie Ihle are a couple of the finest folks I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I was greeted and treated as family at their homestead. The Brotherhood didn’t seem to mind that a Vietnam Veteran from another unit was in attendance.
It began rainy, the jump had to be post phoned twice because of the weather. Then on Friday the Sun appeared and a light breeze followed to perfectly compliment the Honor Jump.
We spent the day on the tarmac of the Crossville airport. We were old and new friends visiting and taking photos and getting sunburned. Next year wear suntan lotion and a hat.
The Cobra Camp/Lake didn’t lack anything. Three meals per day and lots of fine folk. Complete with an authentic Hillbilly Shooting Range (I can say that because I am one).
The Memorial service on Saturday afternoon was better than I have ever witnessed. The Honor Roll Call brought tears to every eye.
There are many reasons why you can’t attend reunions, I suggest you put this one on your calendar for next year and REALLY ENJOY A FELLOWSHIP WITH VETERANS OF THE VIET NAM WAR.
You will never regret it and never forget it! Airborne!
Your Brother in Arms,
Bill Haupt, President, Sunshine State Chapter, 101st Airborne Division Association, Inc.