327 Infantry Veterans
Mission Statement

The Original 327th Vietnam Eagles Point Team:
“Yankee Jim” Simchera A-2/327th
Dale “Hannibal” Hansen D-2/327th
Eli Haggins A-2/327th
David J. Markham C-1/327th
Marion “MOUSE” Hammond A-2/327th
The mission of the 327th Vietnam Eagles is to gather together in one location as much of the history and personal remembrances of those who fought in Vietnam together in the 101st Airborne 327th Infantry Regiment, as we can. The 327th Vietnam Eagles website is a gathering of information from veterans, family and friends, and a place to find all those who served with the 327th Infantry Unit in Vietnam, to bring them together for fellowship using the technology of the Internet and have them gather each year for a reunion of our Brotherhood.
To accomplish this mission a Web Site has been established at http://327infantry.org so that 327th Brothers searching for us may be united in a place that has become a repository of our eyewitness to the history we wrote. Included on this site are rosters of all 327th Vietnam Alumni that have surfaced to date along with an “Honor Roll” of our KIA Brothers. There are large collections of photographs and first person stories along with individual pictures and biographies of many who served in the unit. There are numerous links to related sites, Dave Cook’s 327th Airborne Infantry Assoc. Column (which also appeared in the “Static Line,” an informational airborne news update), a Guest Book Registry and a lot of miscellaneous features that round out the site.
All 327th Alumni are invited to participate in the “Open Mike,” a forum where once “Inside The Wire,” they find themselves with their 327th Brothers. Here we are able to build on our common bonds, share our experiences before, during and after our time with the unit. Brothers are free to discuss anything with each other regardless of topic, and often do.
The Vietnam Brotherhood also seeks to build a bridge between all those who preceded and followed our era of service. We are most proud of the troopers currently serving in the 327th and welcome them to The Brotherhood as they write the next chapter of our unit’s history.
We have no President, rules or dues. The mission is pursued by a corps of volunteers supported by contributions of ideas, money and the love and respect for their brothers and will continue to grow by networking ourselves online.