101st Airborne
Division Association Membership

101st Airborne Division Association
32 Screaming Eagle Boulevard
Fort Campbell, KY 42223
Tel: 931.431.0199
Fax: 931.431.0195
Dear Veterans of the 327th Infantry Regiment,
First let me say that we appreciate your service as a 101st Airborne Division veteran. We all know it’s a privilege and honor to have served in the Screaming Eagle Division. We all developed lifelong bonds of friendship with those we served alongside. It is the primary reason that the 101st Airborne Division Association exists and continues to honor the traditions and heritage of our Division. The 101st Airborne Division Association would like to welcome all of you to join our organization and take part in continuing to honor those who came before us, those with whom we served, and those Screaming Eagles who serve our great nation today. We have several chapters around the United States and encourage fellow Screaming Eagles who may like to take part, to come to a meeting, attend a reunion or just stop by the 101st Airborne Division Association’s Headquarters located at Fort Campbell to check us out. We encourage veterans of all units from the 101st to join us under the umbrella of the Association to establish your own chapters. We have two “At-Large” unit specific chapters and welcome the participation of more if you would like to form a unit chapter. Anyone interested is welcome to contact one of our 327th Infantry Regiment Governors to discuss the advantages of membership. We would be happy to help you get you into contact with them if you contact our offices at the telephone number above.
Membership in the 101st Airborne Division Association also comes with the advantages of eligibility for your children or grandchildren in the Chappie Hall Scholarship Program. Each year the 101st Airborne Division Association awards an average of 25 scholarships to the heirs of our members for college. It is a way to give a start to the children of our members. I encourage you to go online to www.screamingeagle.org, www.screamingeaglefoundation.org or check us out on Facebook to see what we are doing to ensure the “Rendezvous” continues.
Randal Underhill
Executive Secretary/Treasurer
101st Airborne Division Assn.