1/327th Infantry “Above The Rest” Vietnam
Jesse Salazar's Picture

Hi Guy’s I was just wondering if any one still remembers any of the men in this picture, big hint (Cobra Company 3rd Platoon).
I know the male Hispanic on the left (Henry) was KIA and the other male Hispanic on the right is me, that’s right Jesse Salazer, 3rd Platoon Machine Gunner. The little picture on top is of my Brother and His Fire Team. He was killed just a few hours after this picture was taken. Henry was killed right after that. What ever happened to Lt. Jones? And I know Sgt. (PAPA) Valley was also KIA. This picture was taken in Phan Rang in December 1967. A few days later we went to Phan Thiet.
I hope Jessie see’s this because the email address I had is no longer any good. While working on the photo pages for 1st Battalion, I took another look at the above photo. The troop right above where Jessie is sitting is my friend Bruce K. Manning. He was KIA on May 29, 1967.
David J. Markham