Cobra 2003

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War

327th Infantry “Bastogne”

Cobra 2003

Cobra Reunion – 2003 Crossville, Tennessee

Reflections from some of those who attended the “Cobra” Reunion in Crossville, TN 2003

My first reunion with the 327th Infantry Regiment-Vietnam, in Crossville
Bill Haupt, President, Sunshine State Chapter, 101st Airborne Division Association, Inc.

You owe it to yourselves to go
Claude A. Frisbie

Thanks Bill
Russ “Top” McDonald

Crossville Cobra Reunion 2003

click on images

Friz  . . . if you still have your Cobra 2003 pictures, please contact me. We sure would like to see them re-posted for the world to see! Thanks brothers. ATR & NS! Hannibal