Delta Air Strike August 10, 1968 2nd battalion’s newly formed “Delta Company” was decimated by their own air strike. Eight were killed and over 50 wounded. Posted here are stories from a few that were there that awful day: Ben Costello, Delta Company Machinegunner- As I recall the incident began mid-afternoon or so […]
Coke/Pepsi Kids Nuoc Ngot Bridge
M-79 – M-148 – M-203 in Vietnam continues
M-79 – M-148 – M-203 in Vietnam continues I hear all this tripe about John Fonda Kerry winning a Purple Heart by getting hit but scrapmetal from his own 79 round. Well, one beautiful night in the Ashau, one of our guys threw a frag a little too close. I took a hit in […]
M-79 – M-148 – M-203 in Vietnam
M-79 – M-148 – M-203 in Vietnam Is the M203 of 1970 and 1990 still called the 203 or is it M203A1. I must have used the modern version with the NG.. Would like to get to Campbell before I get in the ground. I only saw the M-79 for a grenade launcher and […]
FSB Tomahawk
FSB Tomahawk Brothers, A few years back, maybe even before the 327th Vietnam Eagles web site was launched in 2000 we had a pretty good discussion on the two attacks on FSB Tomahawk that took place almost a year apart in June of 1969 and 1970. At the time we had the discussion thread going […]
M-16 Chatter
M-16 Chatter Click here for The Saga of the M16 in Vietnam by Dick Culver (part 1 & part 2) This site was sent to us by our Marine friend, Ironman, and it seems to have brought many memories of the M-16 to the front. So much in fact, we decided to capture as […]
Exiting a Slick at Altitude (Rappelling)
Exiting a Slick at Altitude (Rappelling) Anyone remember the Rappelling Thing in 67 , Out around Duc Pho, or? Chu Lie in the mountains… That ! Liked Tah , “SKAIREID DAH HAM & SLYMMEEZE ! Out of This Ole Fat, White Boy ! TWAN’T, Too bad. Til, Some Body (?) Handed Me A […]
Chargin’ Charlie Beckwith
Chargin’ Charlie Beckwith Through this e-list, the web site, and our reunions, many Chargin’ Charlie stories have surfaced: I wonder if there is a biography on him? Our 327th website database has much info and memories about Beckwith. He was well known for that 51 cal scar he liked to display, at one of […]
What did I feel when I found this web site?
What did I feel when I found this web site? The best way to get hooked up is to sign the guest book, by filling in the blanks, if you were 327th Vietnam era Veteran, we will be able to add you to our 327th roster and it will also generate a automatic welcome to […]
Kontum Jump
Kontum Jump Who was it this week talking about the jump in Kontum in 1966? I didn’t think there was anyone out there that remembers those jump. Russ Palm A/2/327 66-67 I had my 19th birthday on the same site of the ambush that killed SGT Kelly and J Elder Hill 1963 if I […]