Hea, Phil

327 Infantry Veterans - Vietnam War
Project Name
Hea, Phil
2nd Battalion,C Company

Vietnam 2nd battalion

Phil Hea

C Company 1969 – 1970


The Wings, long story made short. I had met a chaplain at Polk who asked me if I’d be interested in becoming his assistant, I said sure, I’d still get to Nam and although I’m not a Bible stuffer down anyone’s throat, I am Christian. He arranged for me to go to Bragg for jump school, which I did. Three days after arriving there and two months after accepting his offer, (I had to be 11 Bravo and jump qualified), he left for Nam without me. I was P.O.ed, went to Nam, was paid for what training I received, never finished training, but got the little extra cash they offered. Got to Nam, was assigned to the 101st, sent north after a couple weeks in Ben Hoa, joined my unit, half of which was non-qualified and did my time. I have now jumped a total of 31 times and won’t be doing it again, I’ve had a Kidney Transplant..